Water, Astrology and Food – #SundayTalks1

Shepherdess of Houghton Farm (1878) by Winslow Homer. Original from The Clark Art Institute.

Sunday Talks

I hope you read the whole article. But if you can’t, jump to section 3 and please read till the end. I strongly believe it would motivate you to make small changes maybe just in your mind today and that’s totally fine, that’s a positive step.

1. Nothing New Under the Sun

I am not going to tell you anything new or never heard about having more plant-based foods in your diet. Everything I say here, you probably heard from somewhere maybe not all together but I think this post might help to reconstruct your mindset on the topic.  Besides, I combined multiple topics that interest me and maybe that would give you a different perspective.

2. The year of the Water and Sacrifices 

If you follow astrology which I do (much deeper level than what my sign is and what is going to happen to me this week), you heard about this year being a year of water. I am not going to talk about details of the astrological reasons that you can google but I would like to talk about the part related to water consumption. Astrologically topics around water will come up in our personal lives. What does that mean? Well, from one way to another we have to look at our relationship with water; do we really care how much water we use? Do we get so spoiled that having water every time we want, just with one move; turning on the tap, and boom; it flows? Have you ever thought what if you could consume a certain amount of water which is way lower than what you consume today, how would your life be?

On the other side, flooding happening all over the world.. what is going on right? But we as a whole civilization somewhere in past stopped the natural flow of water.  Our desire to control everything around us which also includes water made us to the intervention in the natural flow of water.  Now, more than ever maybe water is running uncontrollably.

3. The Power of Eating More Plant-Based and Water Consumption

Everything is a topic of politics, I am aware of that and one way to another everything becomes politicized and I do not want to be part of any “-ism” .  Really, I don’t. But we all know in “developed” economic systems, how we live, how we eat, and how we consume, is not the way it is to sustain our lives for the better and we all need to make some shifts in our lives.  If we have a more balanced life balance in terms of giving and taking, and imagine everybody does small shifts in their lives, how far we can come?  Again, in our overly capitalized food industry, everything is overused to get profit, and every single item we use at home maybe got into some unethical methods to be produced.  Then why meat is always on the table? Others will be on the table too in future posts.. But now why meat? Because, we consume a lot of it, and the meat industry is one of the most interwoven industries, it affects multiple recourses of ours, and overconsumption is affecting our health too. Besides, the meat industry is really heavier on water consumption because of how the industry is constructed. And one simple change which not stopping all the way but reducing the consumption of eating meat you’ll get multiple effects on your lives and just that simple act reduces how much water you consume as one individual.

4. Not Everyone Can Fit into One Category / We are beings that Constantly Change and Evolve

Again this is me, this is how I think. If you have a different opinion that’s yours. Please leave your judgment.

I didn’t share all that above to come here and say we all should be vegetarian or vegan. No, I am not saying that, and I don’t think it is realistic. In fact, I don’t even give a guarantee for myself that tomorrow I would have a totally different diet than today, it is very possible guys. Because I came to the realization of going extreme on sides of life never gave me good solid ground. Everybody is different, everybody has different needs at different times in the cycle of life. Every environment is not the same, and every society doesn’t live the way I live. Therefore, it is not my or our place to judge other people or their lives and tell them how they live. That’s called arrogancy!

All I am saying is to focus on doing better for the universe and remember that you are in service of life with every breath you inhale, you may think it’s yours but you have to exhale. You have to serve the universe to be able to receive from it. And that comes with responsibilities. Responsibility to yourself, every living being around you, and well beings of all. You have to live in harmony. And it is your responsibility to keep your own body, mind, and soul healthy and balanced. We have to do the work to serve the universe.

5. Small Steps and Small Shifts

Once I read an article about this Greek Island where everyone lives a longer and healthier life.  I can not remember the details of it but what I remembered was they had a couple of goats of themselves, eating 90% percent plant-based, and a few times of fish and a few times of meat in a year and that is! But then I thought about how my grandmother and father lived in the village.. They had few chickens, and boy those chickens were free. Every chicken knew their home, and every owner knew which chickens and roosters are theirs. Sun goes up, they are free on village streets and when the sun goes down they would come back and they knew their home…Even today, I feel amazed by the dynamics of slow life. I remember how much LOVE I mean real love they had for the animals they had and no they were not feeding 100 cows at one time tied and locked all together and constantly producing milk for them. And they were definitely not eating meat every day. In fact, it was very limited days of the year, but yes they were benefiting from those animals, getting the eggs, and milk and all..

I know we don’t have a life like that anymore, in fact we know too much about the foods’ nutritional value but we don’t even know where or how our food comes to our table. Everything is as fast as the closest grocery store to us.  That’s why a lot of animals suffer today and sacrifice their lives for us. And when you eat that animal you intake that energy to your body, and you exchange that energy with yours. Think about that for a second. Exchanging that suffering, fear, and sadness. For me, that’s the most problematic cycle of life. Somebody suffers for our pleasure.

I didn’t write all that to make you feel guilty. All I want is to take realistic responsibility after thinking about all that I wrote and ask your selves with compassion; How much change you can make, do you want to change anything? not only today but within the next 90 days? And ask that question again next 90 days. You may not stop eating certain foods totally but how much you can reduce your consumption and fill that space with more vibrant food in your life. I will write more specific plans in the future about that but today just say to yourself; ” I intend to eat more balanced, lively foods and will be more compassionate to myself and my surroundings” and keep reminding that statement to yourself and make no JUDGEMENTS or COMPARISONS!

6. You Don’t Have to Name Yourself Anything, Quietly Shift Things

You DON’T HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR WHOLE IDENTITY! If you focus on that, your mind will trick you and this won’t be a soulful journey. Because, remember everybody is different, and you are unique to you. Just make small shifts to understand your body and your energy.  Slowly make shifts, and see your reactions and how your perspective of animals, plants, and the environment changes.

One thing I am sure, when you go forward in life there is no going back. Yes, there would be some cycles that make you feel you are in the wheel, but once you move forward in life, your existence will always remember that feeling, and state of being and will push you to go there. That’s why don’t make rigid decisions if that scares you. Just be conscious and grateful with every step you take and think of the whole universe and your contribution to it.

You might be at different speeds than others and be on different paths than others but we all meet in the same place at the end.

Always Love,




  • The image: Shepherdess of Houghton Farm (1878) by Winslow Homer. Original from The Clark Art Institute. Public Domain

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  1. […] now if you haven’t read, read my last post, knowing what you read […]

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