Chocolate Flavor Meets with Love – Mosaic Cake

I know it took me a long time to write this post. If you ask me why, I have no idea. Probably, it is related with me wanting to do a lot of things in one time and ending up not doing anything. I am still working on to get better on this. Next time it won’t be this long. Promise.

Seasons are changing.. and there is a new year! 2019. Right now I want to keep it simple and just want to say Happy New Years! As you may notice 2019 is the preparation of 2020 and big changes in world and inside of us as well. I believe we will go towards to the good things. Even if the path seems painful in the beginning.

Coming back to this recipe; the story of this recipe is very classic. It is a simple Turkish dessert. I love it so much. In fact, for a long time, I made this recipe at home every weekend, and we ate it whole week. It is chocolaty, nutty, sweet and soft and eaten cold. Delicious. When I was young we had a Turkish brand of “Petit-Beuree” biscuits, very famous one and we use to make this dessert from only with that brand. It is funny this biscuits are French biscuits but it almost became like national biscuits for us, and believe me these biscuits were in whole my childhood and teenage years. Every Turkish family would have some petit beuree biscuits in their home. So, if there are unexpected guests arrive, we could serve these biscuits with Turkish tea as a welcoming snack.

Well, things changed and glucose syrup got into our life (very unfortunate) and nowadays most of the brands have this ingredient in their sweet treats like in my favorite petit beuree biscuits’ . Well, there are red lines in my kitchen and glucose syrup is one of them. That’s why for a very long time I couldn’t make this dessert. I cannot tell how much I missed this dessert until I found the replacement! Honey Graham Crackers! See, I can be dramatic sometimes but it is very easy to make me happy in life, lol. So the Honey Graham Crackers I use in my recipes is very specific brand that’s why I am going to share the link of it with you. Good news, you can make it with gluten free graham crackers. I love giving options.

This dessert will only take 15-20 minutes to make it, I promise. And you will thank me. Don’t forget to thank me. Just kidding. It would be nice to hear what you think though.


  • 1 package of graham crackers (like 400 gr) Annie’s Honey Graham Cracker
  • 3 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 cup organic milk/ unsweetened almond milk
  • 5 table spoon organic cane sugar
  • 4 table spoon cocoa
  • 1 tea spoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup walnuts (mostly small pieces but not crushed all the way)


You will need a mixing bowl, plastic stretch and rectangle bread pan (probably 8 inch would be fine) for this recipe.


  • First, melt the butter with low heat and set aside
  • Place the plastic stretch inside the bread pan and make sure the edges of plastic wrap is long enough to cover up the top
  • In a mixing bowl, randomly crush your graham biscuits to big pieces.
  • Add sugar, melted butter, cocoa, milk and vanilla extract with line to biscuits and mix all ingredients until they combine enough

I sometimes use spatula sometimes use my hands to mix it but I always make sure not to knead so much because I want to make sure not all graham crackers crushed and my mix becomes mushy.

  • After mixing all ingredients and you can add your small walnut pieces to the mix and roughly stir them all one more time.
  • When all mix come together place them inside bread pan, cover the top of the pan with plastic wrap as well and put it into freezer at least 2 hours before serve it.
  • Enjoy it whole week!

I told you it was a quick but delicious treat!

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