No Time Attached.. New Beginnings..

Yes, I said it. The word is out. I can not tell how excited I am. Opening myself up to this level is a lot for me but the more I wait  literally means not taking any action to make my dreams come true. That’s why I announced from everywhere to be more accountable for this journey and do it. I can tell you, it is not just “just do it”. It took a lot time.  Maybe it’s meant to be.

Anyway, whoever you are, you are welcome as similar to what Rumi said. Well, as long as you leave your judgement and negativity behind because this is the way more important to me than you may think.

Oh yeah! The picture; Seattle Eye, well I call it Seattle Eye and I don’t think there is a coincidence to have a ferris wheel in the middle of downtown like London. Ok, ok I quickly look at it. It is not that big but who cares, it is not the point right. The point is, I think, Seattle is the London of USA, at least for me. And more important than it is, Seattle is  where I experienced major shifts in my life. Besides, my heart is in Seattle, this is where I live. I don’t know how much Seattle loves me but we are working on it. We live in one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in town with my beautiful man. We have a little garden in our back yard, which gives me so much joy and gratefulness every single day.

Right before I moved to Seattle, I had this temporary job, and it was stressful that time. One thing in life, I can not handle the stress (I hear you beautiful, I am with you). I had just arrived the office that morning and I can not remember the conversation but I said to my friends in office something like: “Hey, I have no interest in this type of city life and job, I want to live like how I would live when I am retire right now. Having a little vegetable garden, morning coffees, always good food, art, breeze, quite moments and just love.” Boom. I said it and sure less than 6 months we moved our current house. Started from zero. The moment I saw this house, I said; “this is it” and in 3 days we got the house, no background checks, no limitations, everything was crazy smooth. And here I am writing this post from the room, when I saw it the first time, I said to myself; ” I am gonna have a beautiful desk, will look outside from that window and write, write, read, write”.

Now, I am exactly sitting in that spot and writing this after THREE years of saying that (getting emotional right this very moment). I don’t know how long no body sees it. You know, I don’t care. I am very serious. Actually, today I am starting to write and share this with you because it took me three years to understand that it doesn’t matter how many people see it, what matters is I am doing it. Without caring, “oh what if I make a mistake, what if no body would understand what I say or thinking why somebody would interest with my life. Then I looked at myself, the people I follow everyday, listening what they share or watching it or looking at their pictures, and then think, inspire, think, feel, move. Those people were all different. I mean even if the context or content is similar, they were different. Besides, I get inspired from all of them in different ways. Writing is like a finger print. You only have one you, and nobody is the same as long as you are being you. Then, I remembered my uniqueness and how much I want to share with world, so maybe somebody would get inspired from me. And I know from my heart, it will reach out to beautiful people who suppose to see my blog. So, here I am.

This is my sacred place and I will share this sacred with you. Please be respectful to that. Then, you would be hearing some amazing words, information, experience, real life experience, food, history, art, music and anything beautiful, inspiring that comes to your mind in this world; from my perspective and all from my soul and heart. And this is not a hobby for me this is my full time job; creating my own world and community.

It took me long time to look at this view to my garden and the Seattle Eye picture and amazed by “waov this is my life, thousands miles away from my roots building new life with joy and new experiences in America!”

Now imagine you are next to a ocean and hearing the waves with a peaceful breeze, and feel satisfied with your life, that’s it!

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